Scholarship Winners 2017
Supporting College Goals
In recent years, only 50% of Affton graduates attended a two-year college and 25% enrolled in four-year schools, choices often made due to economic realities. The Affton Education Foundation serves to inspire students to attend the college of their first choice where they can achieve their educational goals.
The Foundation awards up to six $2,500 renewable college scholarships to qualifying Affton High graduates each year, funding them from gifts and income from the Foundation endowment fund. Principally through a 5 year matching challenge grant from William (’63) and Nancy (’65) Thompson, the Foundation’s endowment fund has now grown to in excess of $1.7 million. In addition to these scholarships, the Foundation also awards two full tuition, four-year scholarships funded by separate alumni endowments: The Coach Don Kuhn Endowed Scholarship to Westminster College, funded by Kent (’58) and Judy (Laudenslager - '61) Mueller and the Rickli Family Endowed Scholarship to Truman Sate University, funded in honor of Miss Doris Ahrens by Kenneth ('58) and Cathy Rickli.
In 2013, the Jim Hoots Memorial Scholarship was established to provide college scholarship funds to a student who has displayed outstanding leadership, dedication and sportsmanship while participating in an Affton High School sponsored athletic program. Funded by the family and friends of Jim Hoots ('67), the scholarship awards $2,500, renewable for 3 years.
Since the fall of 2010, the Foundation has sponsored a series of overnight college campus visits for AHS students. Attended by Affton juniors and seniors, the trips serve to educate and inform students as to their various post-secondary options, as well as to provide an opportunity that many might not otherwise be able to experience. Meeting with students, professors and college presidents has been truly life-changing for these students.
To donate to any of the scholarship funds listed above, click on the “Donate Now” button on the right hand side. Thank you for your generosity to our Affton students!
Affton Education Foundation Scholarship
For the ninth time, the Affton Education Foundation awarded renewable $2,500 scholarships to be used for attendance at a four-year college or university. The four 2017 AEF scholarship recipients are:
- DECA – Member since 2013; Vice President 12th grade
- National Honor Society – inducted 11th grade; Treasurer 12th grade
- HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) member all four years; State finalist 2015 & 2016; National participant in 2015
- Affton High School Football all four years; Senior year – First
Team All-District Honors, All-District Sportsmanship Award, First Team
All-Conference Honors, All-Conference Sportsmanship Award and All-State
Academic Honors
- Varsity Ice Hockey – Captain of Priory Ice Hockey Team; Leading Scorer and All-Star for 2015-2016 Season
- Varsity Track and Field
- Scholar Athlete all four years
- Volunteer Coach for Youth Flag Football and Showdown Hockey Camps
- Will attend Washington University or St. Louis University to study Biomedical Engineering
The Coach Don Kuhn Endowed Scholarship to Westminster College in Fulton, MO
Funded by Kent ('58) and Judy ('61) Mueller. The 2017 recipient is:
- Active in Boy Scouts of America – Monthly Service Projects
- Freshman and JV Volleyball
- DECA and FBLA member
- Varsity Sports Club member
- Founder – Affton High School Drumline
- Church Youth Group – Monthly Volunteer
- Will attend Westminster College to study Education
The Rickli Family Endowed Scholarship to Truman State University in Kirksville, MO
This scholarship, funded by Ken ('58) and Cathy Rickli and dedicated to Miss Doris Ahrens, provides a renewable, full-tuition scholarship to Truman State University. The 2017 recipient is:
- Student Council member – 3 years
- National Technical Honor Society – 2 years
- Member of Future Farmers of America – 2 years
- Varsity Softball – 4 years
- Affton Girls Swim Team – 4 years; Captain Junior & Senior Years
- Humane Society of St. Louis
- Wrangler in Training – Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri
- Church Youth Group and serves as a Deacon
- Will attend Truman State University to study Pre-Veterinary Medicine
Jim Hoots Memorial Scholarship
A proud 1967 graduate of Affton High School, and a much beloved teacher and coach, Jim Hoots passed away in October 2013. In an effort to keep his legacy alive, the Jim Hoots Memorial Scholarship has been established to provide college funds for Affton High School scholar athletes. The 2017 recipient is:
- Student Council – Co-President
- National Honor Society – Historian
- HOSA – President
- DECA – VP of Community Relations, Leadership Delegate and 2-year State Qualifier
- FBLA Member and Competitor
- TREND – Bronze Level service hours
- Varsity Volleyball – 3 years; All-Conference 2nd Team and St. Louis Post-Dispatch Athlete Spotlight
- Track & Field – 1 year; District Qualifier
- Will attend Saint Louis University to study Health Sciences
Affton Education Foundation Loan
AEF offers a $2,500 interest free loan. The 2017 recipients are:
- National Honor Society – 2 years
- DECA & FBLA – District Finalist, 3rd Place; DECA Career Development Conference
- Student Council member – 3 years
- Member of TREND, Varsity Sports Club and Cats Crew
- Yearbook Committee – 2 years; Editor-in-Chief; Pride Silver Award
- Mathletes – Top Class Scorer
- Boys Swimming – 4 years; Cougar Swim Award for Dedication; Captain 1 year
- Will attend Southeast Missouri State University to study Business Administration
- DECA member 3 years; competitor 2 years
- Diversity Club – 2 years; Secretary in 2015
- National Honor Society member – 2 years
- A+ Program and Honor Roll
- French Honor Society
- Will attend Webster University to study Psychology
- TEAMS and Math League participant
- TSA (Boeing Engineering Challenge) participant
- Member of Cats Crew and Varsity Sports Club
- Youth Service International – Leadership Camp Counselor, Great Books Forum participant and Philosophy and Ethics Seminar participant
- JV and Varsity Soccer; Varsity Football; Varsity Baseball
- “Fifty States Against Hate” participant
- Will attend the University of Dallas to study Biology
Affton Alumni Association Scholarship
This Scholarship is offered by the Affton Alumni Association and awards a $1,000 scholarship. The 2017 recipient is:
- National Honor Society
- DECA / FBLA – First Place DECA Districts, Fourth Place FBLA Districts
- Student Council
- Member of Key Club, Cats Crew, Varsity Sports Club and TREND
- Varsity Soccer (Captain)
- JV Soccer and Volleyball
- Girl Scouts
- ADL Peer Trainer
- Will attend Maryville University to study Education
Speiser Family Chess Grants
(One-time Grants for winners of the Affton Chess Tournament)
First Place – ($2500) – Adnan Malkoc
Second Place – ($1000) – Michael Bayer
Third Place – ($500) – Jeffrey Au
Fourth Place – ($100) – Tommy Nguyen