Hall of Fame Gala moves to Moulin: Join us as we “Countdown to Liftoff!”

For more than a decade, the Affton Education Foundation’s support for the district has been a veritable tour de force. We’ve remained true to our mission of preserving high educational standards, and our efforts to provide additional classroom resources and encourage students to attend college have been nothing less than formidable. Rightfully proud of our accomplishments thus far, and of our $1.7 million endowment, we now look forward to writing our next chapter, and we’re eager to “take up the gauntlet” to meet the future head on. Our goal is to grow the AEF endowment to the $2+ million mark, so we’ve embarked on a multi-year Development Challenge Grant Campaign. We’re “counting down to liftoff…” as we “shoot for the stars!” We’ll need your support to succeed, so we hope you’ll save the date for the:
2018 Affton Education Foundation Hall of Fame Gala
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Centennial Ballroom
Moulin Events - Lafayette Square
Alums, teachers and other Affton friends will gather to celebrate amid the classic décor de cabaret of the trendy Moulin Events venue in Lafayette Square… C’est très chic, n’est-ce pas? Exciting oral and silent auctions will feature beaucoup de booty for your bidding pleasure. And la pièce de résistance will be the induction of a “stellar” class of distinguished alumni into the Affton Hall of Fame. With a little help from you, we can-can make this our best Gala ever.
Please consider nominating an illustrious Affton alum for the Hall of Fame
For information on sponsorships, or to make an auction donation,
please contact us at 636-343-9007 or 314-633-0012 or judyreth@aol.com.
This promises to be une fête extraordinaire!
You won’t want to miss it, so mark your calendar for March 10, 2018!
Join us as we "Countdown to Liftoff…” and to a brighter future for Affton!